Google Summer of Code 2010 Ideas


This page is kept for historical purposes. Please check the latest year’s ideas page for the most up to date information.

Welcome to the Oregon State University Open Source Lab Google Summer of Code Ideas page.


Pydra is an open source parallel and clustered computing solution written in python using Twisted.Python and Django. Pydra is a new project that is working towards it’s first public release.

Read more about pydra

Project Ideas

Contribute to Pydra

There are a lot of features on the wishlist for pydra. Choose from these ideas, or check out the task tracker:

Write Applications Using Pydra

Develop an application that uses Pydra to reduce its run time. Here are some suggestions, feel free to come up with your own ideas.

  • Web Crawler

  • Document Indexer

Touchscreen 2.0

Touchscreen is software for running interactive slideshows/demos. Touchscreen allows standalone slideshows or interactive displays using controls such as a touchscreen interface. It is primarily used at the OSL on the large flatscreen+touchscreen directly outside our server room. It displays various statistics and realtime data about the lab.

We are in the process of rewriting touchscreen to use Django, Jquery, javascript, HTML, and CSS.

Learn more about Touchscreen

Project Ideas

Write a Screen Plugin(s)

Write new plugin(s) that showcases things happening at the osl. We’ll supply the data, you supply an exciting representation of it.

Here are some screens we have already produced:

Suggestions for new screens:

  • rewrite ftp user’s map using google maps or raphaeljs

  • twitter feed - display feed of specific user(s), and or hashtag(s)

  • trac project feed - project lists and recent commits

  • RT ticket feed - dashboard of in progress and waiting tickets

Work on Touchscreen Core

Here are some suggestions of things to be worked on, or take a look at the task tracker.