Google Code-In 2010 Ideas

Initial tasks, more to be added later.

We are also offering mentoring resources to assist partner projects who have tasks that they would not normally be able to mentor. If the projects accept our assistance, we will add the tasks they would like us to assist with here.

Ganeti Web Manager

Ganeti Web Manager is a Django based web application that allows administrators and clients access to their ganeti clusters. It includes a permissions and quota system that allows administrators to grant access to both clusters and virtual machines. It also includes user groups for structuring access to organizations.



Touchscreen is a framework for developing interactive kiosk displays. Touchscreen powers the display screen used outside the Open Source Lab’s server room. We use a 42” LCD flat screen, with a 17” touchscreen display to control it.



Pydra is a distributed and parallel computing framework for python. Pydra aims to provide an easy to use framework for writing and running distributed programs for developers, and an easy to manage cluster for the administrators.


OpenConferenceWare Android

An Android application for viewing conference information such as sessions, speakers, and schedules.

OpenConferenceWare Android is a base from which a schedule app can be built for any conference. It is designed to pull data from OpenConferenceWare, but can work with any service that implements the data format.

The app has been deployed for: Open Source Bridge 2010 OSCON 2010


The Postgres team is gathering tasks - from their todo list and their advocacy group - that we will assist them with mentoring.